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Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics II – Tom Esser D.O.

Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics Phase III
Stephen Kisiel D.O.

Florianopolis, Brazil Florianopolis, Brazil

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


The Bavarian Pediatric School & Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy – Course 9

Walkertshofen, Germany Walkertshofen, Germany

Course description for the BPSCO 1-3 Courses: To keep and continue the Osteopathic Tradition in the Spirit of Dr. A.T. Still and his close following of students, some years ago the idea was born to establish a Pediatric School in Landsberg am Lech, which is a small town close to Munich, Bavaria. In 2018, the BPSCO moved to the small, idyllic community of Walkertshofen, in the middle of Augsburg's so called “Western Woods”. In addition to the introduction into Biodynamic Pediatrics (BPSCO 1-3) and further courses of Biodynamic Pediatric Courses (BPSCO 4-11), we offer the Phase Courses by Dr. Jealous, taught by listed faculty members. The Courses BPSCO 1-3 are the introduction into Traditional Osteopathic Pediatrics. It is perfect for participants with no experience to guide the way into basic knowledge of the Treatment of Traditional Osteopathy (Pediatrics). Participants, who have already completed at least 3 Phase Courses licensed by Dr. Jealous, start their Pediatric journey with us with Course BPSCO 3. The existing knowledge will now be expanded and deepened. That way, we can guarantee a smooth transition to the following Courses ´BPSCO 4-11` the best possible way. The courses BPSCO 1-3 are set up for 4 days. The […]

€ 890

Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics I
Cathy Edyt D.O.

Ivy, Ontario, Canada , Canada

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


BioBasics 2025 – United States

Bridgton, ME Highland Lake Resort, Bridgton, ME, United States

An Exploration of the Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field May 30-June 2, 2025 Highland Lake Resort, Bridgton, ME Course Director: Craig Goldberg, DO CME: Pending approval  TestimonialsThe philosophy, principles and practice of Osteopathy are as vast as the cosmos. Please join us as we explore the body’s deep and subtle natural healing forces so that we can increase our capacity to perceive and communicate with these forces. This course is like no other. With a typical instructor to student ratio of 1:2, it is a nearly unparalleled opportunity to learn the Principles and Practice of Osteopathy. Designed to benefit both those who are new and those who are experienced with this approach, BioBasics presents an atmosphere of acceptance, encouragement, and exploration for all. All medical students, interns, residents and practicing physicians are most welcome! If you have further questions about what this course is like, what is being taught and/or how it can benefit or be relevant for you and your practice, please send an email to me at and I will be glad to converse with you either by email or by phone. Craig Goldberg, DOCourse Director About the BioBasics Program The BioBasics program has […]

$415 – $850

Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics I – Tom Esser D.O.

Poznan, Poland Poznan, Poland

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


BioBasics Québec

Quebec, Canada , Canada

An Exploration of the Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field August 1-4, 2025Hotel Tadussac, Québec, Canada Course Directors: Line Savard, B.SC N., DO(Qc) & Stephen Kisiel, DO (USA) BioBasics-Quebec-Schedule.pdf Course Fee/CME:$300.00 US Students/Resident$450.00 US Osteopath/Physician/DentistCME: Pending The philosophy, principles and practice of Osteopathy are as vast as the cosmos. Please join us as we explore these deep and subtle natural healing forces so that we can increase our Osteopathic perception, skills and abilities together. This course is like no other. With a typical instructor to student ratio of 1:2, it is nearly impossible to avoid learning new ways of being and new ways of treating each other and our patients. Designed to benefit both those who are new and those who are experienced with this approach, BioBasics presents an atmosphere of acceptance, welcoming, sharing and gratitude for all. Osteopathic students, interns, residents and practicing osteopaths and physicians are most welcome to submit a registration form. The course will be taught in both French and English with translation both ways. Tadoussac, a village of 900 people, is located in the tourist region of the North coast, in Quebec, at a maritime crossroads made up of the St. Lawrence Seaway […]

See Info

Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics II – Tom Esser D.O.

St. Petersburg, Russia St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics III – Tom Esser D.O.

Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


The Bavarian Pediatric School & Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy – Course 4

Walkertshofen, Germany Walkertshofen, Germany

Course description for the BPSCO 1-3 Courses: To keep and continue the Osteopathic Tradition in the Spirit of Dr. A.T. Still and his close following of students, some years ago the idea was born to establish a Pediatric School in Landsberg am Lech, which is a small town close to Munich, Bavaria. In 2018, the BPSCO moved to the small, idyllic community of Walkertshofen, in the middle of Augsburg's so called “Western Woods”. In addition to the introduction into Biodynamic Pediatrics (BPSCO 1-3) and further courses of Biodynamic Pediatric Courses (BPSCO 4-11), we offer the Phase Courses by Dr. Jealous, taught by listed faculty members. The Courses BPSCO 1-3 are the introduction into Traditional Osteopathic Pediatrics. It is perfect for participants with no experience to guide the way into basic knowledge of the Treatment of Traditional Osteopathy (Pediatrics). Participants, who have already completed at least 3 Phase Courses licensed by Dr. Jealous, start their Pediatric journey with us with Course BPSCO 3. The existing knowledge will now be expanded and deepened. That way, we can guarantee a smooth transition to the following Courses ´BPSCO 4-11` the best possible way. The courses BPSCO 1-3 are set up for 4 days. The […]

€ 890

Biodynamics of Osteopathy, Phase V – Stephen Kisiel D.O.

Great Barrington, MA Great Barrington, MA, United States

Open to D.O.’s, M.D.’s, Dentists and Osteopathic Medical Students. Prerequisites vary by course. Enrollment is on a first-come/first-serve basis.

$800 – $850

Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics III – Tom Esser D.O.

Poznan, Poland Poznan, Poland

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


Biodynamics of Osteopathy, Phase IX – Stephen Kisiel D.O.

Great Barrington, MA Great Barrington, MA, United States

Open to D.O.’s, M.D.’s, Dentists and Osteopathic Medical Students. Prerequisites vary by course. Enrollment is on a first-come/first-serve basis.

$800 – $850

Biodynamics of Osteopathy, Phase I – Stephen Kisiel D.O.

Great Barrington, MA Great Barrington, MA, United States

Open to D.O.’s, M.D.’s, Dentists and Osteopathic Medical Students. Prerequisites vary by course. Enrollment is on a first-come/first-serve basis.

$800 – $850

The Bavarian Pediatric School & Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy – Course 10

Walkertshofen, Germany Walkertshofen, Germany

Course description for the BPSCO 1-3 Courses: To keep and continue the Osteopathic Tradition in the Spirit of Dr. A.T. Still and his close following of students, some years ago the idea was born to establish a Pediatric School in Landsberg am Lech, which is a small town close to Munich, Bavaria. In 2018, the BPSCO moved to the small, idyllic community of Walkertshofen, in the middle of Augsburg's so called “Western Woods”. In addition to the introduction into Biodynamic Pediatrics (BPSCO 1-3) and further courses of Biodynamic Pediatric Courses (BPSCO 4-11), we offer the Phase Courses by Dr. Jealous, taught by listed faculty members. The Courses BPSCO 1-3 are the introduction into Traditional Osteopathic Pediatrics. It is perfect for participants with no experience to guide the way into basic knowledge of the Treatment of Traditional Osteopathy (Pediatrics). Participants, who have already completed at least 3 Phase Courses licensed by Dr. Jealous, start their Pediatric journey with us with Course BPSCO 3. The existing knowledge will now be expanded and deepened. That way, we can guarantee a smooth transition to the following Courses ´BPSCO 4-11` the best possible way. The courses BPSCO 1-3 are set up for 4 days. The […]

€ 890

Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics III – Tom Esser D.O.

Kappel, Switzerland Kappel, Switzerland

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


Biodynamics of Osteopathy – Pediatrics I – Tom Esser D.O.

Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany

Pediatrics Phase I - Children should not be treated like Adults. Learning: to be centered by the child, Osteopathic Perception to treat children, Wholeness of the child, the Meeting place, and treating the moving child. Pediatrics Phase II - Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism. Pediatrics Phase III - The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, First Breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born.”


The Tide – A Healing Retreat for Osteopaths

Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada

Continuing Studies in Traditional Osteopathy  Healing Retreat for Osteopaths January 7-11, 2026 Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Course Instructor: Stephen Kisiel, DO Course Coordinator: Edward Schroeder, DOMP Through lecture, discussion, contemplation, and hands-on osteopathic treatment we will explore various landscapes of healing to build deeper relationships with the presence of the Creative and Healing forces of the Tide in ourselves and, through treatment, within our patients. There will be a focus on both our individual and collective healing as a means toward nurturing a more deeply bonded community. Specific Topics to be announced Held at the Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, participants will enjoy a private room with private bathroom, all meals and snacks, and use of the spiritual centre’s facilities and wooded grounds, including the beautiful main chapel which is the Canadian Shrine of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. This retreat is offered at an intermediate to advanced level and is geared toward experienced osteopaths who have completed at least Biodynamics of Osteopathy Phases I-VII and/or Treatment of Children I-III. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis. The retreat will begin with supper together at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 7, […]


Biodynamics of Osteopathy, Phase V – Olixn Adams D.O.

Sedona, AZ Sedona, AZ, United States

Open to D.O.’s, M.D.’s, Dentists and Osteopathic Medical Students. Prerequisites vary by course. Enrollment is on a first-come/first-serve basis.

$800 – $850

Dominica Osteopathic Children’s Clinic – Stephen Kisiel D.O.

La Urena, Dominican Republic La Urena, Dominican Republic

We are supporting Dr. Kisiel in the development of a Free Osteopathic Children’s Clinic in La Urena Dominican Republic in conjunction with the Dominica School and Orphanage where groups will be taken to work and train in Pediatric Osteopathy.  For more information click here.


Canadian Courses

Canada , Canada

Click here for Canadian courses through Biodo Osteo.

“Osteopathy is an opportunity to serve the suffering persons in this world through the very humbling experience of coming to know the “magnitude of the heavens” as Dr. Still described. As one grows in this work everything will slowly change until the Truth awakens the desire to serve without any reward.

Our tradition is a living organism that begins with sincere respect for all aspects of our profession… this is what can and will bind us in a healthy expression of community. Traditional Osteopathy is an oral tradition that functions through mutual love between the elders and the beginners and embraces the inner discipline and fortitude to practice what we preach.”

James Jealous D.O.