Rest, Review and Renew!
Christian Sullivan DO, Christina Steele DO, Jan Petrus Koop DO, Olga Steggerda DO, Jane Easty DO

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Scheduled offerings are subject to change or cancellation based on enrollment. Faculty reserve the right to deny course enrollment to any individual.

Rest, Review and Renew!
Christian Sullivan DO, Christina Steele DO, Jan Petrus Koop DO, Olga Steggerda DO, Jane Easty DO

A 5 day biodynamic retreat, with an emphasis on clinical applications of Jim’s wonderful osteopathic work.

Teaching contributions are from Christian and fellow Biodynamics faculty Christina Steele, Jan Petrus Koop and Olga Steggerda. Plus, biodynamic embryology presentations from UK authority, Jane Easty.

Topics planned so far include:
• Immune functions
• Circulation transition from foetus to infant and beyond
• Post natal moulding and unfolding
• Shared case histories and clinical challenges
• Biodynamic Embryology, the “mystery” expressing form and function
• Evening meditations
• And whatever the Tide brings us!

Our second retreat at this wonderful venue, where in 2023 we shared a true “family gathering” of international osteopaths. We will work long mornings only, leaving the afternoons free for rest and recreation. In the deep stillness of a wonderful mountain retreat centre,, we are assured of a rich and rewarding time together.