Our Programs

Biodynamics of Osteopathy Curriculum, by James Jealous D.O.
Phases I-IX

Biodynamics of Osteopathy Curriculum, by James Jealous D.O.
Pediatrics I-III
Pediatrics Phase 1 – Children should not be treated like Adults, Learning to be centered by the Child, Osteopathic Perception to treat Children, Wholeness of the child, The meeting place, treating the moving child
Pediatrics Phase 2 – Listening to the Child, Fluid Dynamics of children, Family Circle, Ignition, Thoracic Respiration and Breathing, CNS review, the third ventricle and the Attention in Autism
Pediatrics Phase 3 – The treatment of Autism, The Normal Child, first breath, Desert Neutral, Flame of Intention, Fine tuning, “Treat me like a New Born”

Traditional Osteopathic Curriculum
These programs are meant to further explore Osteopathic Principles and concepts from the Osteopath’s experiences of the Natural Laws at work under the direction of Primary Respiration. These programs have been designed by teachers that have trained with Dr. Jealous and/or have been working with Osteopathic studies for years. Each teacher will share what they have learned from the Tide about the indwelling healing forces in Nature at work in relationship to their particular topic, as is our Osteopathic tradition. Through this exploration of Osteopathic principles and acquiring knowledge of Nature’s healing forces, students will have the opportunity to ground their work on the firm foundation of Natural law.