US Practitioner Directory
We are continually adding new practitioners to our directories.
If you don’t see a practitioner in your area please contact Marnee – Contact Us
For US practitioners you can also find listings from the Osteopathic medical associations.
If you would like to have be listed on the directory the listings are $65/year – sign up below!
Olixn Adams, D.O.
Bandon, Oregon
Rae-Ann Bennett D.O.M.P.
Springwater, Ontario, Canada
Rachel Burke D.O.
Hallowell, Maine
Walter Cohen D.O.
San Diego, California
Marie V. Dardeno D.O.
Falmouth, Maine
Tamzon Feeney D.O., FCA
Benson & Tucson, Arizona
Leslie Gass D.O.
Falmouth, Maine
Tom M. Gilson D.O.
Falmouth, Maine
Stefan Hagopian, DO, FAAO
Los Angeles, California
Catherine Henderson
Vashon, WA
Judith Aldrich D.O.
Waldoboro, Maine
Sheila Brennan, D.O. (M.R.O.F)(OCA, USA)
Santa Barbara, California
Elizabeth Caron, D.O.
Talent, Oregon
Roselia Conrad D.O.
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Charlie Echeverria, DO
Jackson, Wyoming
Kristin Foley, D.O.
Newton/Westborough, Massachusetts
James Gaydos D.O.
Walnut Creek, California
Craig Goldberg D.O.
Brattleboro, Vermont
Donald V. Hankinson, D.O.
Falmouth, Maine
Carmen Hering D.O.
Albany, California
Dr. Runa Basu, D.O.
Berkeley, California
Dawn Brown D.O.
Corte Madera & Berkeley, California
Dawn C. Cieplensky, D.O.
New York, New York and Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
John Coppinger D.O.
Knoxville, Tennessee
Jeffrey K. Etemad D.O.
San Rafael & Novato, California
William Foley, D.O.
Newton/Westborough, Massachusetts
Kathryn Gill, M.D.
Santa Monica, California
Jeffrey Greenfield, D.O.
Falmouth, Maine
Michelle Hemingway MD
Durango, Colorado
Marianne Herr-Paul D.O.
Greencastle, Pennsylvania
These directories are for informational purposes only and are not intended as a recommendation of a particular practitioner. This list is compiled and published only as a reference for individuals interested in locating practitioners that have completed the Biodynamics of Osteopathy Phase I-VII courses. We have no direct knowledge of how each physician manages their practice and therefore offer this list as a convenience and not a recommendation.
We disclaim any and all warranties, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained in this list. In no event shall we be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on the data in this list. This list is based on information given to us and may not have come from or been verified with primary sources. We encourage you to confirm this information including the area of board certification when calling the physician’s office.
The physicians listed in these directories are listed here willingly and are permitted and encouraged to view their database listings and to update them by contacting the Program Coordinator.
If you would like to join our directory you will need to have completed Phases I-VII and be approved by at least one current Teaching Faculty member. Please contact Marnee at Thank you.
Would you like to be listed in our practitioner directory?
Directory listings are $65/year.
If you would like to join our directory you will need to have completed Phases I-VII, be approved by at least one current Teaching Faculty member and approved by Marnee Jealous Long. If your application is not approved your fee will be refunded.
The yearly fee is automatically renewed. If you decide you no longer wish to be on the directory please contact Marnee directly.