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Course Category: BioBasics

BioBasics 2025 – United States

Bridgton, ME Highland Lake Resort, Bridgton, ME, United States

An Exploration of the Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field May 30-June 2, 2025 Highland Lake Resort, Bridgton, ME Course Director: Craig Goldberg, DO CME: Pending approval  TestimonialsThe philosophy, principles and practice of Osteopathy are as vast as the cosmos. Please join us as we explore the body’s deep and subtle natural healing forces so that we can increase our capacity to perceive and communicate with these forces. This course is like no other. With a typical instructor to student ratio of 1:2, it is a nearly unparalleled opportunity to learn the Principles and Practice of Osteopathy. Designed to benefit both those who are new and those who are experienced with this approach, BioBasics presents an atmosphere of acceptance, encouragement, and exploration for all. All medical students, interns, residents and practicing physicians are most welcome! If you have further questions about what this course is like, what is being taught and/or how it can benefit or be relevant for you and your practice, please send an email to me at and I will be glad to converse with you either by email or by phone. Craig Goldberg, DOCourse Director About the BioBasics Program The BioBasics program has […]

$415 – $850

BioBasics Québec

Quebec, Canada , Canada

An Exploration of the Biodynamic Model of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field August 1-4, 2025Hotel Tadussac, Québec, Canada Course Directors: Line Savard, B.SC N., DO(Qc) & Stephen Kisiel, DO (USA) Course Fee/CME:   $300.00 US Students/Resident$450.00 US Osteopath/Physician/DentistCME: Pending The philosophy, principles and practice of Osteopathy are as vast as the cosmos. Please join us as we explore these deep and subtle natural healing forces so that we can increase our Osteopathic perception, skills and abilities together. This course is like no other. With a typical instructor to student ratio of 1:2, it is nearly impossible to avoid learning new ways of being and new ways of treating each other and our patients. Designed to benefit both those who are new and those who are experienced with this approach, BioBasics presents an atmosphere of acceptance, welcoming, sharing and gratitude for all. All osteopathic students, interns, residents and practicing osteopaths and physicians are most welcome!  The course will be taught in both French and English with translation both ways.  All are welcome to attend.  Tadoussac, a village of 900 people, is located in the tourist region of the North coast, in Quebec, at a maritime crossroads made up of the St. Lawrence […]

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Canadian Courses

Canada , Canada

Click here for Canadian courses through Biodo Osteo.