Robyn Seamer D.O., M.Sc. (Ost.)
About Robyn Seamer D.O., M.Sc. (Ost.)
Born in Melbourne Australia in 1953, Robyn travelled to London, England, at 18 years old, where she completed her osteopathic training at the British School of Osteopathy in 1975, and subsequently obtained a Master of Science from the ESO and University of Greenwich in 2003.
Robyn contributed in 2005 to ‘Chapter 16.8 – Neuropaediatrics: Epilepsy’ in the ‘Textbook of Pediatric Osteopathy’, by E Möckel and N. Mitha, Edition Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.
While raising 2 daughters and working in private practice in Oxted, UK for 29 years, Robyn supervised as a senior osteopath at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London from 1995-1999 and lectured in UK as faculty of the SCCO.
Robyn was fortunate to study in the mid 70’s with Dr Harold Magoun Sr, Drs Rollin and Alan Becker, Dr Anne Wales and with Dr Jealous since 1995. As a faculty member of the Biodynamics Program of Dr James Jealous since 2002, Robyn has lectured in Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Italy, Switzerland, UK, Germany, and associated children’s clinics.
Robyn returned to her home country Australia, in 2004 and is currently living in Queensland, Australia, where she shares her time between her family osteopathic practice and lecturing.

Practice Address
39 Nairana Rest
Noosa Heads Qld 4567
Phone Number
61 (0)414888734
Email Address