Kathryn Gill, M.D.
About Kathryn Gill, M.D.
Kathryn Gill, M.D. has practiced Biodynamic Osteopathy since 1992. Her Santa Monica, California practice is devoted to children. A life-long student, Dr. Gill loves to learn, she finds that the living process of practicing Biodynamics is a loving guide, unfolding her as a person, a teacher and as a physician.
She attended Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire for her pre-clinical medical education and graduated from Brown University Program in Medicine in Rhode Island. She finished her Postgraduate Medical Training at U.C.L.A. Santa Monica Family Medicine Residency.
She was intensively trained by James Jealous D.O., who has been her mentor since 1985. Throughout her medical and post-graduate education, she did numerous 1:1 office-based Biodynamic Osteopathic Rotations with Dr. Jealous, as well as multiple rounds of his courses. She was part of the Initial Traditional Osteopathic Studies Biodynamic Core Faculty Training program in New England in the 1980’s and 90’s and also completed multiple post-graduate courses in Traditional Osteopathic Medicine including the U.N.E.C.O.M’s first year (OMT) Osteopathic Review course.
Dr. Gill is passionate about working with newborns and children with special needs. She is internationally recognized in Biodynamic Pediatric Osteopathy. Her work in Biodynamics has led to a fascination with human embryologic and postnatal development, which she emphasizes both in teaching and in treatment of patients. She also works closely with Functional Dentists and Oral Myologists interested in physiologic methods to develop the face and repair structural abnormalities and swallowing dysfunction.
An assistant Clinical Professor for Western University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Gill also holds a Proficiency Certification from the Osteopathic Cranial Academy. She is a Biodynamic Faculty member for Traditional Osteopathic Studies Program in the U.S. and has also lectured for Dr. Jealous at the International Kongress of Osteopaths in Germany, The SOCK Pediatric Clinic in Switzerland.

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