Jan Petrus Koop D.O.
About Jan Petrus Koop D.O.
Jan Petrus Koop graduatedfrom SKOM (School of Classical Osteopathic Medicine, Hamburg Germany), he is a faculty and fellow with the SCCO (Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy), and the former president of the Osteopathische Kindersprechstunde (Children’s Free Osteopathic Clinic). In early 2000, he traveled to America to train with Dr. Jealous completing over sixty courses, and is currently a faculty member teaching the Biodynamic phase and pediatric curriculum in the US, Germany and Austria, as well as speciality courses in Japan, Australia, and parts of Europe. He currently practices near Washington D.C. in the United States, and in Lüneburg, Germany. He works with students over the long term to support integrating and understanding how Biodynamics fits into their practice both Muskulo-skeletal, pediatric, and with functional medicine.
Jan Petrus Koop has published several articles in The DO, and with his wife, Dr. Steele, He teaches the Biodynamics in Practice program which helps advanced students use this model in a clinical setting.

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