Angela Schleupen D.O., M.Sc
About Angela Schleupen D.O., M.Sc
1989 – 91 Study of Philosophy, Political Science and German Studies
1991 – 94 Naturopath; Chiropractor, Homeopath, Neuraltherapist
since 1995 Osteopathy, grad. D.O.
1998 – 03 Scientific treatise at the Mainz University Clinic: Osteopathy as a Therapy of Infant Asymmetry, published 2004 in Early Human Development, published 2007 in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
since 2000 international lecturer, various publications
since 2001 Biodynamics
2002-2006 Co-Founder and Director of the Health- and Wellness Center Onda-Revital, Isle of Madeira, Portugal
since 2004 Pediatric Osteopathy, University of Wales; grad. M.Sc.
since 2010 editor and author of Osteopathic textbooks
since 2011 Founder and Director of the Bavarian School & Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy

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