Osteopathy, The Symphony of Science and Spirituality in care
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Osteopathy, The Symphony of Science and Spirituality in care
The Symphony of
Science and Spirituality in care
17-18 May 2025
at the Villa del Palco
Via del Palco 228, Prato
Human civilization begins with two acts of “care”: the burial of the dead to prepare them for a new life and therapeutic interventions for other wounded or sick humans. Archaeological evidence attests to these in very remote times. Therefore, anthropologically we are humans as we are healers and open to the invisible, the sacred, the Beyond. The search for the profound meaning of life starts from these two elements, which are essential for knowing ourselves: it is necessary to take care of ourselves in our integrity of body, mind and spirit to become whole human beings.
Meditative and awareness practices have always represented a way of dialogue with the dimension of the transcendent characterized by a new landscape that transfigures our way of feeling and perceiving ourselves and the world around us. Opening ourselves to new realms of consciousness gives us the possibility not only to know ourselves better but also to enter into a deeper relationship with the laws that govern the homeostatic functioning of the human body.
The acquisitions of contemporary science favor the possibility of undertaking a journey, both new and ancient at the same time, in which science and spirituality can embrace each other.
Osteopathy is an art of healing that since its origins represents an example of how spirituality and science can coexist in taking care of human suffering and can reveal a path of “integral healing”, which considers the human being as a Symphony of body, mind and spirit.
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