Osteopathic Cranial Academy 2024 Annual Conference

Type of Course

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Osteopathic Cranial Academy 2024 Annual Conference

Conference Director: Kathryn Gill, MD
Assistant Director: Eric Dolgin, DO FCA

June 6-9, 2024, San Diego, CA

CME: 21.3 hours Category 1A
Tuition and Registration: cranialacademy.org
Location: Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, CA

Core Faculty (Alphabetically)

Eric Dolgin, DO FCA
Kathryn Gill, MD

Lecturing Faculty

Eliott Blackman, DO FCA
Michael Burruano, DO FCA
Orianne Evans, DO (UK)
William Foley, DO
Mel Friedman, DO FCA
Andrew Goldman, DO FCA
Donald Hankinson, DO FCA
Tasha Turzo, DO
Greg Yesensky, DO

Conference Description

Due to the increasing complexity of patient management and recurring symptoms, we need a system of evaluation and treatment that addresses human function on a profound level. The most effective way to initiate long lasting and pervasive change is to incorporate an approach utilizing embryologic principles. Founded in biodynamic embryology, this addition to your armamentarium should provide a significant impact on your practice. Discovering the effects of embryological kinetics and relationships to the body’s inherent mechanism of reorganization, compensation and repair, this program is designed to bridge the gap between an exploration of embryological stages and accessing these states, which underlie the healing and repair processes. Perceptual training as well as anatomic, physiologic and embryologic study can come together to allow us to utilize every aspect of physical laws in order to treat and reorganize dysfunction on all levels (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical). Embryologic biokinetics are governed by the principles of quantum mechanics and physics. Our forefathers in Osteopathy utilized many of these approaches in their remarkable results with patients. This includes Drs. Anne Wales, Herb Miller, James Jealous, and Eliott Blackman, to name a few. Though this profound system of treatment has existed for years, very few people have learned how to properly utilize it. Our conference will endeavor to teach you how to do so, to take your patients to a higher level of health. We hope to see you there.


  1. Discover that using embryology can make a profound impact in form and function for your patient.
  2. Recognize the possibility to seamlessly move between “current form” and “embryological form”.
  3. Learn the principles of checking for an embryological or developmental component of your patient’s problems.
  4. Experience how a change in consciousness results in a different field of observation enabling different potential outcomes.
  5. Sense where arrests are tethering the organism as a whole.
  6. Have at least one “ah-ha” moment in a lab.


Thursday, June 6, 2023, 1:00pm – 6:00pm
President Welcome – Intro
K. Gill, MD Introduction and Overview
K. Gill, MD An Embryologic Approach Changed my Life
A. Goldman, DO The Jealous Odyssey
O. Evans, DO UK Stillness
O. Evans, DO UK PRAC: Stillness-Palpation/Tx

Friday, June 7, 2023, 9:00am – 5:30pm
G. Yesensky, DO Neutral- The Doorway In
G. Yesensky, DO PRAC: The Doorway In
M. Burruano, DO Development of the CNS-1
M. Burruano, DO Development of the CNS-2
G. Yesensky, DO Embryology of Perception
G. Yesensky, DO PRAC: Shifting the perceptual field
G. Yesensky, DO Embryologic Landscape of Fluid
W. Foley, DO Gut Tube Development
W. Foley, DO PRAC: Gut Tube
O. Evans, DO UK Moving between Anatomy and the Embryologic State
O. Evans, DO UK PRAC: Moving Between States
A. Goldman, DO Relational Kinetics, Growth, Development and Healing

Saturday, June 8, 2023, 9:00am – 5:00pm
A. Goldman, DO Cardiovascular Developmental Dynamics
R. P. Lee, DO Meridians in Embryology
R. P. Lee, DO PRAC: Meridians
T. Turzo, DO Developmental Features and Forces with the ALF
M. Friedman, DO Sutherland Memorial Lecture
M. Friedman, DO PRAC: SML
D. Hankinson, DO Epigenetic Influences
D. Hankinson, DO PRAC: Epigenetic Influences
A. Goldman, DO PRAC: Cardiovascular

Sunday, June 9, 2023, 9:00am – 12:30pm
K. Gill, MD ICSI and Tethering
K. Gill, MD PRAC: Developmental Arrests Tethering
E. Dolgin, DO Intro. to 2025 Annual Conf.
E. Blackman, DO The Spiritual Midline
E. Blackman, DO PRAC: The Spiritual Midline