Functional Osteopathy 1
Werner Van Camp D.O. MSc Ost

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Functional Osteopathy 1
Werner Van Camp D.O. MSc Ost

The Functional Model in osteopathy is a therapeutic approach that highlights the body’s natural ability to self-regulate, adapt, and heal. As one of several models within osteopathy, it offers a unique perspective on diagnosis and treatment, focusing on enhancing the body’s physiological and structural functions to promote overall health and address dysfunction.

In this model, osteopaths use gentle, indirect techniques, following the “direction of ease” to guide the body into a neutral state where its inherent self-healing forces can be fully engaged. Rather than directing the body through mechanical corrections, the Functional Model emphasizes a perceptual approach—osteopaths “listen” to the body’s subtle cues, such as tissue tension and fluid movement. This deep listening fosters a connection with the body’s self-healing capacities, allowing osteopaths to facilitate natural correction and restoration without imposing forceful interventions.

By employing methods like functional techniques, strain-counterstrain, balanced ligamentous tension (BLT), and cranial osteopathy, practitioners work harmoniously with the body’s natural rhythms and movements, guiding it toward optimal function and well-being.