A Healing Retreat for Osteopaths
A Healing Retreat for Osteopaths
Type of Course
Course Fee
Scheduled offerings are subject to change or cancellation based on enrollment. Faculty reserve the right to deny course enrollment to any individual.
A Healing Retreat for Osteopaths
Continuing Studies in Traditional Osteopathy
Healing Retreat for Osteopaths
January 7-11, 2026
Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Course Instructor: Stephen Kisiel, DO
Course Coordinator: Edward Schroeder, DOMP
Through lecture, discussion, contemplation, and hands-on osteopathic treatment we will explore various landscapes of healing to build deeper relationships with the presence of the Creative and Healing forces of the Tide in ourselves and, through treatment, within our patients. There will be a focus on both our individual and collective healing as a means toward nurturing a more deeply bonded community.
Topics: TBD
More information coming soon.
If you are interested in more information or to register, please contact Edward Schroeder directly at schroeder.osteopathy@gmail.com.