A Biodynamic Approach to the Nervous System, Part One – Bill Foley D.O.

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A Biodynamic Approach to the Nervous System, Part One – Bill Foley D.O.

Integrated Osteopathic Studies International



A Biodynamic Approach to the Nervous System, Part One

An opportunity to study with Dr Bill Foley DO MSc (USA) 

I am introducing Dr Foley and this course to the UK and Europe because attending it has transformed my understanding of Biodynamics and Osteopathy. This is a very precious opportunity. I hope you will be able to attend and learn from this highly experienced osteopath.

Giles Cleghorn

Dr Foley, a close friend and student of the late Dr Jim Jealous, is a member of the Biodynamic Faculty (USA). He works in Boston practicing full-scope traditional osteopathic medicine and is board certified in Osteopathic Family Medicine, Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. He holds the title of instructor and professor at many academic institutions and lectures internationally. 

Dr. Bill FoleyAbout Dr. Foley

Dr. William (Bill) Foley, D.O., M.Sc. has been practicing full-scope traditional osteopathic medicine since 2001. Dr. Foley has lectured at local, national, and international medical conferences for such groups as Harvard Medical School, the Osteopathic Cranial Academy, the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, the American Academy of Osteopathy, Melbourne Studies in Biodynamic Osteopathy, the Swiss Osteopathic Centre for Kids, and the Bavarian Pediatric School and Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy. He is also a member of the Berkshire Osteopathic Study Group and A Still Sutherland Study Group (ASSSG).

The course outline:

This course will focus on wholeness as it pertains to a healthy nervous system and how it is integral for overall health and wellbeing.  Without this, we see dysfunction in digestion, mood, hormones, the immune system, focus, cognition, and sleep just to name a few.  In this course series, we will explore the inter-relatedness of the central, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems. No techniques will be taught, instead we will learn to “cooperate and communicate with the laws not framed by human hands.” We will treat the nervous system as it relates to the Whole.  Our awareness will be on the Natural aspects of Primary Respiration. We will observe that the nervous system heals within the Dynamic Stillness without process or time, and watch it reborn in each moment while the Tide brings us the Life Force that feeds us.

The course will flow with your questions and traverse the topics below, including practicals on the CNS and the whole patient.

Prerequisites for study on this course: Applicants are required to have completed Biodynamics phase courses, up to and including Phase 3.

Courses dates and times:

Friday 12th April 09.00hrs to 18.00hrs
Saturday 13th April 09.00hrs to 18.00hrs
Sunday 14thApril 09.00Hrs to 13.00hrs

Course Venue: The European School of Osteopathy Boxley House The Street, Boxley Maidstone, Kent ME14 3DZ.United Kingdom

Course cost £620: Inclusive of breaks, tea, coffee and lunch. Vegetarian/vegan option available. Pleases let Giles know about any allergies.

To Register:  Email: Giles Cleghorn at  iostudies.students@gmail.com for registration and payment details.  

Integrated Osteopathic Studies International 21 Chandos Road,  Bristol BS6 6PG UK
