Sensing & Releasing Emotional Shock – Part 2
Arlene Dijamco MD & James Gaydos DO

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Sensing & Releasing Emotional Shock – Part 2
Arlene Dijamco MD & James Gaydos DO

THE DIG ON SERIES – Exploring Consciousness Through Osteopathy

The purpose of this series of osteopathic courses is to help integrate the Loving Heart, Innovative Mind, and Stillness of Spirit into osteopathy. Our mission is to help bring the digger and dreamer together so they are One.

As osteopathic physicians, we have the honor of working with all human beings in a way that empowers them to express their own Inner Light of Health.

We choose to start from the Stillness, the Infinite Potential of pure Loving Awareness. In being Still, we get to know ourselves better and allow ourselves TO BE the Truth of who we are – loving conscious beings, all precious emanations of the Oneness. And through this series, we step into the ease of Osteopathy such that “suns appear (where you never even saw a star.)”

We look forward to connecting and sharing with you in this “sacred science of Osteopathy.”


In PART 2, we will

… continue to explore Uncurling the Heart

… delve deeper into the limbic system

… explore the relationship of the organs, somatic dysfunction, and emotions

… sense the connection between Chapman’s points and the emotional body

… integrate the organ systems and rhythms of the body like an orchestra

… consider energetic cords, including those from birth

… honor generational and ancestral trauma

… explore the mitochondria and the maternal lineage

all while living in the Stillness and creating a healing nest of Love.

PREREQUISITES: Osteopaths and osteopathic practitioners with training and experience in cranial osteopathy and/ or biodynamics, AND completion of Sensing & Releasing Emotional Shock – Part 1 or 1+.

DATES: January 19-21, 2024

LOCATION: 800 Old Roswell Lakes Pkwy, Suite 310, Roswell, GA 30076

This course is limited to 8 people. Sign up early to reserve your spot!

For more information including the course schedule/registration please go to: