Limbs, Midline, and Motion
Osteopathic Foundations
Elizabeth Caron, D.O.

Type of Course
Course Fee

Scheduled offerings are subject to change or cancellation based on enrollment. Faculty reserve the right to deny course enrollment to any individual.

Limbs, Midline, and Motion
Osteopathic Foundations
Elizabeth Caron, D.O.

CME: Anticipated 20 hours of Category 1A CME Credits and OMM/NMM Specialty Credits anticipated.

Course Fee:

US Participants:  For registrations and payments received less than 90 days prior to the course the fee will be $850.00.  Fee is discounted to $800.00 for early registrations and payments received 90 days prior to the courseStudent/resident rates $450.00.

International Participants: For registrations received less than 90 days prior to the course the fee will be $850.00. Fee is discounted to $800.00 for early registrations received 90 days prior to the course. Payments can be made on site to the course instructor.

Course Description:

The embryologic development of the limbs is the force for growth and development and well as healing throughout life. Osteopathic principles from Rollin Becker and Jacque Duval will be explored and we will “dig on” to reexamine basic Osteopathic principles such as the somato-somato and somato-visceral reflexes and their spinal levels for facilitation. Also detailed slides of the embryologic development of the bones and fluid fields with their seams and how this formation guides us in treat of the extremities.

Power points, the Stillness in the bones, fluid fields and their center points will be explored. Treatment of the extremities after severe injury will be addressed. In addition, how do we deal with tissues that have lost their orientation and have a lack of response to the therapeutic process. Practical applications will be given and carefully defining what is a lesioned electrical field in the bone and/ or extremity (RTP). In addition, we will begin to step into the Health and how the perfect and imperfect relate to each other.

Experiential movement of the joints in the extremities will be done. How compensatory patterns in the arms and legs can affect the neck and back will be addressed. Detail discussion of normal movement of the extremities so that learned movement patterns do not return and reinjure the area post treatment.

This is a small, intimate class. Max. participants 18.

Suggested Prerequisites:
BioBasics, Potency, potency and the fluid in the fluid, Seams, Stillness & Segmentation, Midline & Ignition, Phases I-V or equivalent, Osteopathic Foundations step 5/Arborization, Seams and Fluid Fields, The Brain and the Tide, Basic Cranial course given by the Cranial Academy or SCTF or international equivalent, Anatomy 101, Anatomy 102